Divide Loop for AC3DReleased under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Latest release Download Linux version 1.0.1 (Debian Sarge
3.1) Linux port courtesy of little_penguin
DescriptionDivides a loop along the selected surface loops. In other terms, this plugin works by inserting vertices where two or more selected surfaces are connected and slicing across the surface from that edge. The selected surfaces must be 3 or 4 sided polygons. AC3D versions prior to version 5 have not been tested with this script.
InstallationCopy the divideloop.p file to your AC3D plugins folder (for example, if using Windows, C:\Program Files\AC3D\plugin) and (re)start AC3D. You will find the "Divide loop" menu item under the "Tools" menu. UsageSelect some surfaces that are connected by common edges and activate the Divide Loop plugin. History2006/06/17
ExampleThe best way to illustrate the usage of the Divide Loop plugin is to show examples of what it does.
The above example shows how surfaces are divided along loops.
The above example shows what happens when surface loops intersect. Note the intersecting surfaces have been divided in both directions.
Selecting clusters of surfaces cause them to be divided in multiple directions. Selecting an entire object has the same effect as a Surface -> Divide.
All content Copyright © 2006 Dennis Hawthorne, except where explicitly noted supercoldmilk © 2006 Dennis Hawthorne |